how, do, I, choose, a, good, brand, air, conditioner
The answer to this question is, in part, tied to the question: How do I choose a good air conditioning company?
It is important to choose a good reputable air conditioning installation/service COMPANY first & foremost! Why? You might ask. A good company would not knowingly install an air conditioner in your house or business that would cause either one of you grief.
A good company stands behind its products & services! At Hoffman Heating & Cooling, we typically provide a 5-year in house labor warranty on most of our residential HVAC-equipment installations! So if we were to sell subpar products, or perform shoddy installation, we would be shooting ourselves in the foot!
We have confidence in the cooling & heating equipment that we choose to sell & in our ability to install them professionally and competently!
At Hoffman Heating & Cooling, we have your best interest in mind!