A tune-up is an inspection of cooling and/or heating equipment or water heaters usually accompanied with some sort or servicing or cleaning… Customers sometimes ask, when the technician is present on the job site, “While you are here, would you give the system a once over?” Typically when a technician performs a tune-up, he double checks his readings. So, he more or less gives the system a twice over.
This animation to the left shows why a maintenance program is a good investment.
When neglected, air conditioning systems become very inefficient, and are breeding grounds for mildew and mold, which can be harmful to our health.
Utility companies recommend that cooling and heating equipment be inspected at least once a year by a qualified technician, through a reputable, insured, and trustworthy cooling and heating company. The best time of year to do this, is before the cooling and heating seasons, prior to when the cooling and heating equipment is used the most and is subjected to the harshest conditions. If problems are found in the spring and fall, the summer cooling months and the winter heating months can be more comfortable, energy bills can be kept in check, and the operational life of the equipment can be prolonged. What is more, a minor hazardous condition could be corrected it becomes a major one. You may just need a condenser coil cleaning or some other type of service of maintenance to help your system perform more safely and efficiently.
Catch the problems while they are still small! Have your HVAC system inspected by an expert!